AI Platform For Online Casino & Sportsbook

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Data to Skyrocket Business Success

We take pride in our numbers

years of experience
users analyzed
custom AI models
positive budget impact

Our offering

Marketing 360°

Empower your marketing with our intelligent platform. Optimize your budget and drive results with actionable insights tailored for your team.

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Retention Boost

Identify churn in advance and proactively prevent it. Our solution anticipates potential turnover and provides actionable recommendations for immediate intervention.

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VIP Prediction

Forecasting user group can give you a head start in winning their loyalty. Our offering can give a reliable results already on the third day of activity.

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Your custom

Every metric can be forcasted.

> Registrations
> Fraud
> Abuse
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Client Story

Retention Boost

A prominent brand with over 150,000 monthly active users in the LatAm region cooperating with us. Our team fine-tuned churn and ROI prediction to perfection.





Flexible Hours - GPT X Webflow Template

Full integration took 40 days

Lock - GPT X Webflow Template

Data is privately owned

VIP Detection

A distinguished brand boasting 100,000 Monthly Active Users (MAU) primarily across the EU and CIS regions has entrusted us with predicting user groups based on their short-term activity patterns and assigned a dedicated team of managers to engage with potential VIP players.


Active VIP players (YOY)


Customer Satisfaction Index

Get Results - GPT X Webflow Template

Full integration took 26 days

Forgot Your Password - GPT X Webflow Template

Data is privately owned

Leadership team



CEO & Co-Founder


CTO & Co-Founder


Lead Business Developer

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